Homes Under the Hammer is a BBC One morning television series, which has been running since 2003. Its main presenters are Lucy Alexander and Martin Roberts, although in series three Marc Woodward and Jasmine Birtles alternated presenting duties with Alexander and Roberts. The series is the BBC's most successful show that has been shown in the 10.00am slot, regularly attaining a 30% share for new episodes.
Each episode of the show follows three properties (or two for 30-minute shows) which were bought at auction - often ones that require significant refurbishment. A cross-section of properties are featured including terraced, commercial, rural, and vacant land. The programme follows a set formula. One of the presenters will view the property prior to going up for auction giving their opinion on it and its potential problems as well as attractive features. A local estate agent will also be invited to give their opinion on the property. The auction will then be shown and the final sale price revealed.
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